i am dirty girl

When we were talking on the phone…
Bf: what did you eat for dinner?
Me: sausage and some vegetables
Bf: you like sausage?
Me: yes
Bf: but I never saw you eat sausage when you live with me
Me: yes… Because I always ate your sausage
Bf: (laughing crazily)




I am a dirty girl*






I love dirty girl like u…lets chat~~~~


It’s just small things in our daily…nothing serious


Lol I have bf already,don’t wanna chat with others


樓主, 妳總是忘記寫’a’.

a dirty girl
a boyfriend
an elephant.

除了這個小錯以外, 妳英文基本上好棒, 妳男友是哪裡人?


路過給 Alex,你好認真!(鼓掌)

然後啊,我想原PO不是「忘記」喔,而是沒有那個「習慣」吧,這似乎是「母語非英語使用者(English as Second Language)」常會疏忽的小細節呢~如何正確使用 Definite Article 跟 Indefinite Article 又是另一項考驗啊!你自己學中文會有觀念「轉換」的問題嗎?還是有其它類似的容易讓你混淆呢?(托腮)





嗯, 在中文,人平時省略「一個」。

很少人說: 「她有一個男友」,更常說「她有男友」

我真的不知道, 我從來沒有當英文老師。


A horny girl who likes dirty talk…yummy~~


Baker, she already said she wasn’t interested.

How would you like it if a gay bear kept hitting on you, despite you saying you had a girlfriend.


Am I hitting on her? Alex 沒事裝正義使者…想幹嘛? 我有用什麼不舒服的字眼嗎?and plus did I ask for her contact? nope! Jeez… u think too much lol


Alex,是吧是吧~我們也不知道每個名詞前,要有定冠詞/不定冠詞,或是名詞有單複數的形式呢~像是,一個「人」/很多「人」,one person/many people,之類的吼~

不過,你的例子舉的很好呀!有機會的話,會是很好的英文老師喔~不如開個樓分享/教學一下英文的 dirty talk 吧?或是一些搭訕的 pick up lines 之類的?(特別要附上中文說明這樣)如何呢?應該是蠻值得期待的呀!考慮一下吧~


Baker, it’s gross to speak like that as a stranger.


I am an original post

Thanks Alex and Taro.
I prefer my bf said I am yummy lol



其實我不用pickup lines搭訕。 太假了



其實看得懂就好 又不是考試。。。